Health insurance and eye diseases

by time news

2023-09-25 22:07:03

Vision is one of the senses that people give the most importance to, since thanks to sight we can read, walk, visit museums, as well as see and react to the people with whom we interact. This is undoubtedly one of the most important senses of the human body, which is why many people care significantly about eye care and take out health insurance, which in addition to taking care of their eyesight, offers other additional advantages. for any aspect that may arise in health.

In this article you will find the most important advantages that health insurance has for your vision, so that you can enjoy the healthiest possible eye life, and thus be able to deal with any medical problem that may arise.

In this article you will find:

Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that focuses on the visual system and the eyes. It is thus a specialty within your health insurance that is responsible for studying and preventing all conditions that may occur and that may affect your sense of vision.

Thanks to your health insurance you will be able to have the following advantages in relation to one of the medical specialties most in demand by our users:

Eye studies: You will be able to undergo specific studies to evaluate the state and quality of your vision and, in this way, assess if there are eye diseases or if there are problems with astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia.Diagnosis and treatment: Thanks to the studies carried out by ophthalmologists, you will be able to receive a diagnosis that tells you what guidelines to follow and where to direct the treatment in the event of any possible pathology detected.Medication Prescription: As they are specialists in the health sector, they will be able to prescribe those medications that are necessary for your eye or vision to recover and, in this way, you can continue your usual life without problems.Eye surgery: Surgery is another service that your health insurance may include, not only surgery resulting from diseases such as cataracts, but some insurers will also cover refractive surgery to correct vision problems.

Finally, we must mention the pediatric eye caresince, during childhood, vision problems such as myopia are usually detected, which must be checked so that the child enjoys healthy eye vision and, thus, does not suffer educational delays due to having difficulties reading.

There is a wide variety of eye diseases that can develop in your visual system, which have different characteristics and consequences for your health. Next, we are going to show you a series of diseases so that you can learn about them a little more in depth.

Refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism): The eye makes it difficult for light to focus correctly on the retina, which can result in blurred near or distance vision.waterfalls: When the lens of the eye becomes opaque, you usually have more diffuse or cloudy vision, which makes vision difficult and less clear.Glaucoma: The optic nerve is damaged, resulting in a gradual loss of vision that significantly affects vision.Dry Eye: Sometimes, the body does not generate all the necessary fluid (tears) to lubricate eye movements, which causes redness to occur due to friction with the eyelid, causing discomfort and a very uncomfortable sensation.Conjunctivitis: An inflammation of the membrane that is between the white part of the eye and the eyelid occurs, generating redness of the eye and visual discomfort. There are usually different types of conjunctivitis: Viral conjunctivitis: occurs when the inflammation is caused by a virus or bacteria, usually very contagious, which generates redness in the eye and a strong itching sensation. Allergic conjunctivitis: very typical of allergic processes, when the eye comes into contact with allergens such as dust, which causes redness, discomfort and a feeling of dryness in the eye. Irritant conjunctivitis: this occurs when the eye comes into contact with chemicals, such as the vapors generated by using strong cleaning products, which causes redness and itching of the eyes. If exposure is for a prolonged period it can be very negative for the eye.Uveitis: It is caused by inflammation of the middle layer of the eye wall, which must be treated quickly, since it is an inflammation that can cause redness, sensitivity to light and in very serious cases even loss of vision. Strabismus: It is also known as “crossed eye”. This condition occurs when the eyes are not properly aligned and focus in different directions, which can affect eye vision.

Health insurance offers the possibility of going to the eye doctor as one of its medical specialties, which tends to be in high demand, especially at an early age, which is when vision problems such as myopia and astigmatism are most often diagnosed. As the person’s age increases, other eye conditions occur that may be caused by diseases or aging of the visual system, such as cataracts or eyestrain.

The specialists involved in the control and care of ocular health are usually:

Ophthalmology: responsible for the study of vision problems that can occur at any time in people’s lives.General or family doctor: It is usually the first one to go to when presenting symptoms or vision problems.Pediatrician: There are many viral conditions that occur in childhood and one of them is conjunctivitis. Many parents have to go to this specialist to monitor their children’s health in the event of this eye condition.

You should also keep in mind when purchasing your health insurance that some insurers offer special services for eye conditions. For example, some insurers have reimbursement of optical expenses, for which you hire an add-on and they refund 50% of the cost of the glasses, with a limit of up to 100 euros. A real advantage if you have children and begin to detect vision problems in them.

Did you know….

Visual perception is not the same for all people, which is why there are many optical illusions, in which each person sees a different object when looking at the same object. They can be variations in color or shape and are not due to any visual problem, but rather due to the different ways in which the brain interprets what the eye sees.

In summary: Ophthalmology focuses on the study and analysis of the eye and the visual system. Health insurance offers advantages and quick care in both the diagnosis and treatment of visual conditions. There are many pathologies that can affect vision, most of them have to do with refractive errors such as myopia or astigmatism. Conjunctivitis is a pathology that can develop in many ways, these being very common or habitual. There are many specialists involved in vision care, but the most prominent are oculists, pediatricians and general practitioners. FAQ Is going to the ophthalmologist covered by my private health insurance?

No, medical specialties do not have a lack of insurance and you can go from the first day, therefore, as soon as you have a visual health problem you can remedy it and go to the specialist with the shortest waiting lists.

Are glasses included in health insurance if I have a vision problem?

No, the glasses, just like with Social Security, you will have to buy them yourself, but everything related to the diagnosis and possible treatments will be much faster through private health insurance.

If I already have a vision problem, can I take out health insurance?

Yes, the only thing that depends on the condition is that you can choose insurance with or without a medical questionnaire. But if you find yourself in this situation, we recommend that you talk to our health specialists so that they can help you find the insurance that best suits your needs so that you do not have problems when receiving the medical attention you need.

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